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上邸设计&筑巢奖I 米兰之约

2024-05-10 18:32 来源:欧洲网   阅读量:15687   会员投稿




Shangdi Design Team & Nesting Award set out together in April 2024, and went to a fashion, romantic, elegant and artistic bright date.



Milan, Italy - Half fashion, half life, an eternal and priceless city

Milan, located on the Orona River at the southern foot of the Alps, is an ancient city with a long history and is the second largest city in Italy. The city is a combination of Gothic, Renaissance, neoclassical and modern architectural styles, showing different levels of grandeur and rich historical connotation. Whether it is the majestic buildings that reach the sky, or the exquisite and delicate works of art, they all inspire people's admiration. In this city, time seems to be frozen, history and modernity complement each other, making people feel an eternal beauty that transcends time and space.

第一站丨Duomo di Milano 米兰大教堂

米兰大教堂(Milan Cathedral),意大利著名的天主教堂,又称"杜莫主教堂"、多魔大教堂、朵摸教堂,位于意大利米兰市,是世界五大教堂之一,规模居世界第二。于公元1386年开工建造,1500年完成拱顶,1774年中央塔上的镀金圣母玛丽亚雕像就位。1897年最后完工,历时五个世纪。不仅是米兰的象征,也是米兰的中心。

Milan Cathedral (Milan Cathedral), Italy's famous Catholic church, also known as "Dumo Main Church", Duomo Cathedral, Duomo Church, located in the city of Milan, Italy, is one of the five largest churches in the world, ranking second in the world. Construction began in 1386, the vault was completed in 1500, and the gilded statue of the Virgin Mary on the central tower was installed in 1774. It was completed in 1897 and lasted five centuries. Not only the symbol of Milan, but also the center of Milan.


Napoleon was crowned in Milan's Cathedral in 1805.





"I have come from far, with joy and gladness

Enjoy the blue of the sky and the green of the forest

Walk between culture and city, listen to the symphony of art and romance,

Look at the ancient and modern history of improvisation, lament the achievements of the God."


The lighting window well is designed according to the sunshine Angle and the shift, and each window hole has a different Angle of inclination according to different positions.


After centuries of baptism, the stone pillars, like ridges, are full of history.

第二站丨Milan Furniture Fair 2024米兰家具展


Shangdi design team was invited to Milan International Furniture Fair. The 62nd edition of the Milan International Furniture Fair kicked off with the keyword "evolution and innovation". The Milan International Furniture Fair has always played a leading role and is also an important force to promote the furniture, art and design industry.

设计团队接受意大利ONE TV&央视频采访

The design team was interviewed by Italy's ONE TV& Central video


After the epidemic, people's desire for freedom and a comfortable environment is even stronger. More people want to come out of their houses and embrace nature. Grow with nature, dance with nature.





Perhaps the freedom that people yearn for more today is:

We gather by trees, and by falling grass

With you morning bell and evening drum, with qing peace

Drink and sing with friends, sigh life geometry


Hemp cloth, natural wood decoration, warm lighting interwoven together, it seems that people can quickly pull out from the ups and downs of the chaotic world. Sitting here, time seems to stop at this moment, even the air has become so fresh and transparent.


The green carpet spreads from the ground to the wall like green grass, and different materials intertwine and collide with each other, as if telling the long story of mankind and nature for generations in the space


Comfortable natural color system, take natural, use natural.

从自然中来 · 回自然中去

From nature and back to nature


The collision of classical art and modern culture is fashionable and elegant.


The off-site exhibition is also colorful, more appropriate to life and people's art furniture exhibition. All the furniture is not only displayed in the venue, but also in the apartment or building space where we live.

Art originated from life, and should also return to life.



Founded in 1863, Politecnico di Milano is a national university located in Milan, Italy, the oldest university in Milan, and the largest scientific and technological university in Italy, with about 42,000 students. Politecnico di Milano is one of the best universities in Europe and the world for engineering, architecture and industrial design, and is a global leader in many fields.

上邸设计团队在米兰理工大学设计学院旁听了Matteo Fiore教授《Elements of Light Design》 、Arturo Dell'Acqua教授《Opening & Italian Interior Design》等多名教授老师的分享课。



再次认识“设计”两个字的意义:是铭记历史 是情感人文 是活在当下。

Design this course, travel far, learn far

Come back to the campus again, listening to the shared feelings of professors and masters

Once again understand the meaning of the word "design" : it is to remember the history, it is to feel the humanities, and it is to live in the present.

第四站丨内基·坎皮里奥别墅(Villa Necchi)&阿玛尼博物馆(ARMANI/SILOS)

上邸设计团队在Arturo Dell'Acqua教授的带领下,参观了内基·坎皮里奥别墅(Villa Necchi),80年前的超级豪宅(全世界第一个豪宅内的私人泳池设计。)

Fourth stop Villa Necchi & ARMANI Museum (ARMANI/SILOS)

The design team, led by Professor Arturo Dell'Acqua, visited Villa Necchi, a super mansion built 80 years ago.(The world's first private swimming pool design in a mansion.)


The furniture and luxury decoration passed down from generation to generation remain today, as if they were telling each other the legendary stories and wonderful past of the masters of the past.


The first sun room concept design, the nature into the interior, even in winter indoors can feel comfortable sitting in the garden beside the forest.


The advanced design concept, the peak of craftsmanship and the artistic luxury accessories are still stunning today.



1934年出生于意大利,于1975年创立了Giorgio Armani品牌



——Giorgio Armani


Giorgio Armani

Born in Italy in 1934, he founded the Giorgio Armani brand in 1975


Giorgio Armani said: "I named it Silos(Granary) because this building was used to store the food we need to survive. For me, clothes are as much a part of life as food. My design follows three golden principles: one is to remove anything unnecessary; Second, focus on comfort; The third is that the most gorgeous things are actually the simplest.——Giorgio Armani

阿玛尼时装博物馆是一个建筑融合时装文化的范本,庄重简约的博物馆与阿玛尼时装随意优雅、舒适实用、中性风格、极简主义等风格融合统一,博物馆作为一个文化的载体和传播, 向全球推介“阿玛尼生活方式”,引领世界潮流和时尚格局。

Armani Fashion Museum is a model of architectural integration of fashion culture, solemn and simple museum and Armani fashion casual elegant, comfortable and practical, neutral style, minimalism and other styles of integration and unity, the museum as a cultural carrier and dissemination, to promote the "Armani lifestyle" to the world, leading the world trend and fashion pattern.


It seems that some Asian ethnic (Dai) design elements have been recorded in Giorgio Armani's works during his travels around the world.



Florence (Firenze) is a city in central Italy, the capital of Tuscany, located in the basin of the western foothills of the central Apennine Mountains. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Florence was the most famous art center in Europe, famous for fine arts and crafts and textiles. The birthplace of the European Renaissance Movement and a world-famous cultural tourist destination. It was the temporary capital of the United Kingdom of Italy from 1865 to 1871. The industry is dominated by glassware, ceramics, high-end clothing and leather. Gold and silver processing, art reproductions and other crafts are also famous. The Florence International Contemporary Art Biennale, together with the Venice Biennale and the Milan Triennale, is known as the three major art exhibitions in Italy.


With the guidance and explanation of Teacher Li Qing, take a city tour to learn about the historical figures and architectural legends of the ancient capital of Florence.

乌菲齐坐落于佛罗伦萨,建于16世纪,是世界上最出名和历史最悠久的博物馆之一。这个文艺复兴风格的宫殿由建筑师Giorgio Vasari设计并建造于16世纪中期。

Located in Florence, the Uffizi was founded in the 16th century and is one of the most famous and oldest museums in the world. This Renaissance style palace was designed and built by architect Giorgio Vasari in the mid-16th century.



Station 6 IMOLA Factory (Bologna)

On the occasion of IMOLA's 150th anniversary, the design team was invited to visit the IMOLA factory (Bologna). After more than 100 years, IMOLA has created the world famous brand "IMOLA Ceramics "by virtue of its dedication to work, pursuit of beauty and continuous innovation.


IMOLA ceramics represents the Italian style and product quality, a typical brand full of artistic creativity, the production always runs along two tracks, timely grasp the design concept reflecting the trend of The Times and aesthetic taste, and constantly improve the product technology content and production process.


Tour The City of Bologna & University of Bologna & Basilica of SAN Battolio


One of the best ways to understand a city is the food, after reading the magnificent city, in the emotion, perhaps the most people can be comforted is the food.

打卡Grand Hotel Majestic gia Baglioni酒店及酒店内Ristorante I Carracci米其林推荐餐厅

Punch in the Grand Hotel Majestic gia Baglioni and its Michelin-recommended restaurant Ristorante I Carracci





